ADODB_Exception Object
    [dbms] => oci8
    [fn] => CONNECT
    [sql] => 
    [params] => 
    [host] => 
    [database] => 
    [message:protected] => oci8 error: [0: Missing extension for oci8] in CONNECT(, 'scott', '****', )
    [string:Exception:private] => 
    [code:protected] => 0
    [file:protected] => /opt/curvina18/web/directory/phpGrid_Lite/server/adodb5/
    [line:protected] => 80
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [file] => /opt/curvina18/web/directory/phpGrid_Lite/server/adodb5/
                    [line] => 685
                    [function] => adodb_throw
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => oci8
                            [1] => CONNECT
                            [2] => 0
                            [3] => Missing extension for oci8
                            [4] => 
                            [5] => 
                            [6] => ADODB_oci8 Object
                                    [databaseType] => oci8
                                    [dataProvider] => oci8
                                    [replaceQuote] => ''
                                    [concat_operator] => ||
                                    [sysDate] => TRUNC(SYSDATE)
                                    [sysTimeStamp] => SYSDATE
                                    [metaDatabasesSQL] => SELECT USERNAME FROM ALL_USERS WHERE USERNAME NOT IN ('SYS','SYSTEM','DBSNMP','OUTLN') ORDER BY 1
                                    [_stmt] => 
                                    [_commit] => OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS
                                    [_initdate] => 1
                                    [metaTablesSQL] => select table_name,table_type from cat where table_type in ('TABLE','VIEW') and table_name not like 'BIN$%'
                                    [metaColumnsSQL] => select cname,coltype,width, SCALE, PRECISION, NULLS, DEFAULTVAL from col where tname='%s' order by colno
                                    [metaColumnsSQL2] => select column_name,data_type,data_length, data_scale, data_precision,
    case when nullable = 'Y' then 'NULL'
    else 'NOT NULL' end as nulls,
    data_default from all_tab_cols
  where owner='%s' and table_name='%s' order by column_id
                                    [_bindInputArray] => 1
                                    [hasGenID] => 1
                                    [_genIDSQL] => SELECT (%s.nextval) FROM DUAL
                                    [_genSeqSQL] => 
	execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s START WITH %s';

                                    [_dropSeqSQL] => DROP SEQUENCE %s
                                    [hasAffectedRows] => 1
                                    [random] => abs(mod(DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM,10000001)/10000000)
                                    [noNullStrings] => 
                                    [connectSID] => 
                                    [_bind] => 
                                    [_nestedSQL] => 1
                                    [_hasOciFetchStatement] => 1
                                    [_getarray] => 
                                    [leftOuter] => 
                                    [session_sharing_force_blob] => 
                                    [firstrows] => 1
                                    [selectOffsetAlg1] => 1000
                                    [NLS_DATE_FORMAT] => YYYY-MM-DD
                                    [dateformat] => YYYY-MM-DD
                                    [useDBDateFormatForTextInput] => 
                                    [datetime] => 
                                    [_refLOBs] => Array

                                    [database] => 
                                    [host] => 
                                    [user] => scott
                                    [password] => not stored
                                    [debug] => 
                                    [maxblobsize] => 262144
                                    [substr] => substr
                                    [length] => length
                                    [upperCase] => upper
                                    [fmtDate] => 'Y-m-d'
                                    [fmtTimeStamp] => 'Y-m-d, h:i:s A'
                                    [true] => 1
                                    [false] => 0
                                    [nameQuote] => "
                                    [charSet] => 
                                    [uniqueOrderBy] => 
                                    [emptyDate] =>  
                                    [emptyTimeStamp] =>  
                                    [lastInsID] => 
                                    [hasInsertID] => 
                                    [hasTop] => 
                                    [hasLimit] => 
                                    [readOnly] => 
                                    [hasMoveFirst] => 
                                    [hasTransactions] => 1
                                    [genID] => 0
                                    [raiseErrorFn] => adodb_throw
                                    [isoDates] => 
                                    [cacheSecs] => 3600
                                    [memCache] => 
                                    [memCacheHost] => 
                                    [memCachePort] => 11211
                                    [memCacheCompress] => 
                                    [sysUTimeStamp] => 
                                    [arrayClass] => ADORecordSet_array
                                    [numCacheHits] => 0
                                    [numCacheMisses] => 0
                                    [pageExecuteCountRows] => 1
                                    [uniqueSort] => 
                                    [rightOuter] => 
                                    [ansiOuter] => 
                                    [autoRollback] => 
                                    [poorAffectedRows] => 
                                    [fnExecute] => 
                                    [fnCacheExecute] => 
                                    [blobEncodeType] => 
                                    [rsPrefix] => ADORecordSet_
                                    [autoCommit] => 1
                                    [transOff] => 0
                                    [transCnt] => 0
                                    [fetchMode] => 
                                    [null2null] => null
                                    [bulkBind] => 
                                    [_oldRaiseFn] => 
                                    [_transOK] => 
                                    [_connectionID] => 
                                    [_errorMsg] => 
                                    [_errorCode] => 
                                    [_queryID] => 
                                    [_isPersistentConnection] => 
                                    [_evalAll] => 
                                    [_affected] => 
                                    [_logsql] => 
                                    [_transmode] => 
                                    [connectionParameters:protected] => Array




            [1] => Array
                    [file] => /opt/curvina18/web/directory/phpGrid_Lite/server/adodb5/tests/test3.php
                    [line] => 22
                    [function] => Connect
                    [class] => ADOConnection
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 
                            [1] => scott
                            [2] => natsoft



    [previous:Exception:private] => 
    [msg] => Missing extension for oci8